Oh my goodness, we got the loveliest writeup from Rachel Leah Blumenthal of the Eater! Please check it out!
From the article: “As the months go on, Cuisine en Locale is picking up steam in its new space, hosting events so frequently that it’s almost as if you can swing by any time for some food and drink, all made from local ingredients.
Tonight, for example, there’ll be $3 tacos for Cinco de Mayo, starting at 7 p.m., plus cocktails. Saturday brunch has been going on for over a month now, and it’s proven successful enough that Gonson and her team are adding Sundays as well, starting this weekend. There’s always music or some other kind of entertainment to complement the food, and several times a year, there will be huge themed events that incorporate bands, costumes, and more.”
Please join us! We are, of course, at 156 Highland Ave, Somerville. We’d love to see you and make you a few lovely tacos and a custom cocktail.